Thursday, May 21, 2020

Military Bearing, Respect and Discipline - 1989 Words

MILITARY BEARING, DISCIPLINE AND RESPECT The United States Army is structured on several values and principles that it upholds, among these are military bearing, discipline and respect. These principles represents what the organization strongly believes in and governs the most basic customs and courtesies that all its members should abide by, otherwise legal repercussion and punishment is enforced that could ultimately result in separation from the organization. According to Field Manual 6-22, â€Å"Military Bearing is defined as having or projecting a commanding presence and a professional image of authority†. One is to observe a sense of calmness even in the most stressful situations, leaders of the United States Army should maintain†¦show more content†¦The fear of punishment is the basis for learning fast and what one should or should not do. It may be a little harsh in the eyes of civilians but in the military, this is the only way. How is one supposed to fol low what is taught if there is no fear of punishment and reprisal for disobedience. Training, retraining and punishment until perfection is achieved is military discipline. The reason for this goes back to battlefield and combat conditions once again. It is through military discipline that wars fought could be won or essentially save thousands of lives. Military discipline is taught and learned with precision because these lessons are things that one should always remember and one mistake could greatly impact a mission or change one’s life. A good example of this is soldiers who are not actively engaged in firing should always switch their weapons on safe, they teach you and remind you and instill on you that these procedure needs to be followed at all times. The reason why, if you accidentally pulled the trigger and is aimed at yourself or a comrade, then you could potentially kill yourself or someone else thus lessening the combat fire power and ultimately affecting t he mission. Military discipline teaches one on making these essential lessons to be learned as if it is second nature to you. One has military discipline when you obey orders, follow procedures and continue the mission even if none of your superior is over your head telling youShow MoreRelatedCorrective Essay: Military Bearing and Respect857 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to Field Manual 6-22, â€Å"Military Bearing is defined as having or projecting a commanding presence and a professional image of authority†. The United States Army is structured on several values and principles that it upholds, among these are military bearing, discipline and respect. Leaders should be able to make these big decisions with all his confidence projecting out with his military bearing. 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